Budgeting & Planning


At Kendrick Brothers Construction we prefer to take a very proactive and aggressive approach in the budgeting and planning stages and efforts in every project. Simply applied, if the plan is not good or accurate and the budget itself goes unchallenged or appears unrealistic, the project is doomed before it starts. Each project is carefully reviewed, whether it is a hard dollar cost given or a negotiated bid basis. We meet with each client individually, utilizing our expertise and the most state of the art accounting systems and bidding process in reaching a conclusion as to the exact and precise dollars projected and a plan that will work for our customers. We detail each project plan as to exactly how it can succeed versus what planning or budgeting may create a failure.

"Kendrick Brothers Construction's knowledge and understanding of adherence to corporate identity as well as material and equipment standards while solving the needs of individual franchises is a key ingredient to their success. The combination of all these traits allows KBC to successfully build at several locations simultaneously."

-Douglas Miller,

Manager of Design & Planning,